A Visit from Patty Duratny Carter

After 25 years, we were happy to have Patty Carter visit the Leuker Family in Racine. We had a very nice lunch together in the yard at Jan and Joe’s house. Joe and I didn’t have much to contribute, but the four female cousins spent a lot of time reminiscing about the old days and catching up on what’s happened in the past quarter of a century.

Patty brought along some very old photos that had belonged to her Dad and they all had fun looking at them even though they often could not recognize some of the people in the pictures. Most of the prints were quite small — 2″x2″ or 2″x3″ — but I took a photo of each one to save these precious memories. They’re all displayed in the gallery below. If any other family members would like digital copies, I could put them on a disc and send them to you or place them in my Dropbox account for you to download. If you’re interested, please let me know.

(Click on any photo to enlarge, use arrow keys to scroll through the images, click ESC key to return to this page.)

If you can identify people in the photos, please let everyone know. For example, row 4, photo 1: Grandma Duratny holding unknown child. There’s room for comments below. Since I’m only an in-law, I either don’t know or don’t recognize most of these people!

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